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                dermofeel? NC MB ★★★

                Release date:2020-11-23

                dermofeel® NC MB ★★★

                Peg-free multifunctional emulsifier for oil in water system.

                INCI in Chinese

                聚甘油-3 二硬脂々酸酯;甘油硬脂酸酯柠→檬酸酯


                Polyglyceryl-3 Distearate;Glyceryl Stearate Citrate

                Physical properties

                State: solid particles

                Benefits at a glance

                -100% renewable raw materials, and obtained a number of natural certification

                -Plant derived emulsifier without polyethylene glycol

                -Suitable for all oil in water emulsions

                -Emulsion formulation suitable for pH 3.-8.5

                -Suitable for formulation using organic acids as "natural" preservatives

                -Stable oil in water cream and emulsion can be formed without using polyacrylate based thickeners

                -Soft and caring skin feeling, adjustable absorption feeling

                Suggested usage concentration 1.5-4.0%


                Suitable for cream, lotion, etc.

                Storage conditions

                Keep container airtight and dry to prevent heat and direct sunlight

                ? 2020 Guangzhou Zhenbang Commodity Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved By 粤ICP备12031079号 Wanhu