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                About us

                Company benefits

                • 01. Working hours: Five days and 8 hours work system
                • 02. Paid holidays: enjoy national statutory holidays, annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, maternity leave (accompaniment), etc.
                • 03. Salary: competitive salary, subsidy, year-end bonus
                • 04. Benefits: provide five social insurances and one housing fund, once a year for company travel
                • 05. Personal promotion: The company regularly organizes trainings on product knowledge, technical formulas, market trends, sales skills, etc., and has the opportunity to apply to go abroad to participate in various exhibitions

                Contact information

                • E-mail:yliu@thewalkingrock.com
                • Address:Room 401, Block E, Zhihui Park Zhaolian Yuangang Creative Industrial Park, 310 Yuangang Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
                • Tel: 020-38010211
                • Web: www.thewalkingrock.com

                Job Offers

                Recruitment Sales Representative Salary Negotiable deadline 2021-06-30 I want to apply
                1. Responsible for the sales of cosmetic raw materials, open up new customers and maintain existing customers, complete the company's and suppliers' annual sales targets, and follow up the payment
                2. Establish and maintain customer files, regularly return visits to old customers, and tap customer needs And potential to achieve sales
                3. Responsible for collecting the latest market dynamic information in sales and feedback to the company for market strategy adjustment
                1. Bachelor degree or above, major in chemical chemistry is preferred.
                2. Strong negotiation skills and the ability to establish good relationships with customers, good at establishing and maintaining long-term customer relationships
                Recruitment R & D Engineer Salary Negotiable deadline 2021-06-30 I want to apply
                1. Application research and development and selling points of skin care and cosmetics products
                2. Responsible for the technical support of the company's products, cooperating with the development of imitations of market hotspots and key projects
                3. Participating in the formulation of new product promotion plans
                4. Regularly organize technical training for sales and marketing personnel
                5. Daily technical exchanges and sharing with supplier technical personnel
                6. Joint visits with important customers
                1. Bachelor degree or above, major in chemical chemistry is preferred
                2. Raw material supplier technical support or more than 3 years of formula research and development experience, with independent development project ability
                3. Responsible, strong interpersonal communication skills , Creative ability
                4. Good English reading and writing skills are preferred
                Recruitment R&D Assistant Salary 4K—6K deadline 2021-06-30 I want to apply
                1. Responsible for cooperating with the R&D manager to develop product and raw material application research
                2. Proofing laboratory formulas, analyze and solve abnormal technical problems
                3. Assist the sales department and be able to do basic product training
                1. Engaged in cosmetics research and development-related work for 1-3 years or fresh graduates from university
                2. Chemical engineering major, with experience in chemical technology management is preferred
                3. Fully understanding and contact with cosmetic raw materials, laboratory equipment, etc., yes Solid theoretical foundation and practical experience
                4. Possess strong communication skills and analytical skills, certain problem-solving ability, innovation ability, experimental design ability
                5. Strong sense of responsibility and professionalism, Hard-working
                Recruitment Marketing Director Salary Negotiable deadline 2021-06-30 I want to apply
                1. Identify customer needs, cooperate with the company's sales staff to formulate project plans, and assist in joint visits to customers.
                2. We-media promotion management, including official website, video, and official account
                3. Marketing promotion project and plan production management
                1. Bachelor degree or above, major in chemical engineering or marketing and other related majors, 3 years of experience in cosmetics raw material marketing is preferred
                2. Love the cosmetics industry, familiar with the cosmetics raw material market, and have a keen market insight
                3. Creative thinking, good topic plan writing skills and language organization skills
                4. Outgoing personality, active and responsible, good communication skills, independent thinking skills, organizational skills and teamwork spirit
                Recruitment Marketing Specialist Salary 4K—6K deadline 2021-06-30 I want to apply
                1. Familiar with the company's products, assist sales in customer visits and product promotion
                2. Organize the collection and analysis of cosmetics market information, provide a reference for market decision-making, and produce relevant market reports
                3. Provide the company as a whole according to customer needs Solutions, leading product development, editing copywriting PPT, technical formulas, etc.
                4. Write product promotion articles and conduct public account promotion
                1. Bachelor degree or above, major in chemistry and chemical engineering is preferred
                2. Work experience related to the cosmetics market is preferred
                3. Strong English reading ability
                4. Outgoing personality, conscientious, strong Strong interpersonal communication skills, teamwork skills, and innovation skills
                Recruitment Product Specialist Salary 4K—7K deadline 2021-06-30 I want to apply
                1. Support product managers to improve the marketing strategy of existing products or develop new products suitable for our company
                2. Do document management with suppliers; organize and prepare all relevant product knowledge for laboratories, sales teams and customers; handle each Kinds of requirements
                3. Product development: analyze consumption trends; identify potential needs, and then take the initiative to propose new product development, re-release of old products, and additional development of existing products
                1. Bachelor degree or above, major in chemistry and chemical engineering is preferred
                2. Proficient in office (PowerPoint, Excel, Words), English level 6 is preferred
                3. Work experience in the cosmetics industry or related industries is preferred
                ? 2020 Guangzhou Zhenbang Commodity Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved By 粤ICP备12031079号 Wanhu