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                SK-influx/SK-influx V ★★★

                Release date:2020-11-23

                SK-influx/SK-influx V ★★★

                In combination with the skin's natural protective barrier, it can prevent skin moisture loss and resist external influences. Biomimetic mixture of natural lipid barrier of skin. It is water soluble. It can be cold fitted. Sk influx V is another version of SK influx. It is a plant derived, semi synthetic cholesterol without Nipagin ester.

                INCI in Chinese

                神经酰胺 3;神经酰胺 6 II;神经酰胺 1;植物鞘√氨醇;胆甾醇;月桂酰乳酰乳◥酸钠;卡波姆;黄原胶


                Ceramide 3/Ceramide 6 II/Ceramide 1/Phytosphingosine/Cholesterol/Sodium Lauroyl Lactylate/Carbomer/Xanthan Gum

                Physical properties

                State: white viscous liquid

                Benefits at a glance

                -It is the same as the natural composition of human skin

                -Be cold mixed and water dispersible

                -Prevent skin moisture loss and resist external influence

                -Repair the barrier

                -Ceramide, cholesterol and free fatty acids have synergistic effect

                Suggested usage concentration 1.5-15%


                Suitable for emulsion, cream, water and so on.

                Storage conditions

                Keep the container closed

                ? 2020 Guangzhou Zhenbang Commodity Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved By 粤ICP备12031079号 Wanhu