
  • <tr id='rxGGWA'><strong id='rxGGWA'></strong><small id='rxGGWA'></small><button id='rxGGWA'></button><li id='rxGGWA'><noscript id='rxGGWA'><big id='rxGGWA'></big><dt id='rxGGWA'></dt></noscript></li></tr><ol id='rxGGWA'><option id='rxGGWA'><table id='rxGGWA'><blockquote id='rxGGWA'><tbody id='rxGGWA'></tbody></blockquote></table></option></ol><u id='rxGGWA'></u><kbd id='rxGGWA'><kbd id='rxGGWA'></kbd></kbd>

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              1. <blockquote id='rxGGWA'><q id='rxGGWA'><noscript id='rxGGWA'></noscript><dt id='rxGGWA'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='rxGGWA'><i id='rxGGWA'></i>


                SS 4230 fluid ★★★

                Release date:2020-11-23

                SS 4230 fluid ★★★

                45% MQ tree ester dispersed in D5 solvent, applied to skin care, sunscreen and make-up products, provides excellent film forming characteristics, waterproof and sweat resistance, helps liquid foundation, mascara, lipstick long lasting effect, effectively improves SPF value in sunscreen application.

                INCI in Chinese



                Cyclopentasiloxane (and) Trimethylsiloxysilicate

                Physical properties

                State: transparent liquid

                Solid content: 45%

                Benefits at a glance


                -Water / detergent resistance

                -High efficiency film former

                -Smooth and non stick

                -It has anti white or anti soap effect on the emulsion


                Suggested usage concentration 小于5%


                Skin care products, sunscreen products, make-up, etc.

                Storage conditions

                Store in a well ventilated place. Keep it cold.

                ? 2020 Guangzhou Zhenbang Commodity Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved By 粤ICP备12031079号 Wanhu