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                Silsoft 034 fluid ★★★

                Release date:2020-11-23

                Silsoft 034 fluid ★★★

                Octyl modified siloxane can improve the stickiness and greasiness of various formulations, increase the spreading ability, and provide a soft and silky skin feeling. It can also greatly improve the dispersion of inorganic pigments in cosmetics and increase the SPF value in sunscreen products.

                INCI in Chinese



                CAPRYLYL METHICONE

                Physical properties

                State: liquid

                Benefits at a glance

                -Improve the sticky and greasy feeling of various formulas, increase the spreading ability and provide soft silk feeling

                -In addition to silkiness, it can also greatly improve the dispersibility of inorganic pigments, especially in mineral oil

                -Improve the SPF value of cosmetics and sunscreen products

                Suggested usage concentration 1.0-5.0%


                Skin care products, make-up products, hair care products, bath oil and tanning oil

                Storage conditions

                The container is sealed and stored in a dark and cool room

                ? 2020 Guangzhou Zhenbang Commodity Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved By 粤ICP备12031079号 Wanhu