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                Tospearl 3000A microsphere ★★★

                Release date:2020-11-23

                Tospearl 3000A microsphere ★★★

                Spherical silicone resin, micro particle diameter of 4-7 μ m, can improve the daub ility of skin care products, can play a soft burnt, matte wrinkle removal effect, provide unexpected silky touch, widely used in cosmetics, sunscreen and skin care products.

                INCI in Cinese




                Physical properties

                State: Powder

                Color: white

                Benefits at a glance

                -Optical soft focus, wrinkle removing and defect removing effect

                -Matte, natural look

                -Dry and light powdery skin

                -Very narrow particle size distribution

                -Widely used in cosmetics, skin care, color makeup and sun protection

                Suggested usage concentration 2.0-15.0%


                Powder, facial cream cream, lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, anti-aging products, etc.

                Storage conditions

                Sealed container, avoid direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity storage.

                ? 2020 Guangzhou Zhenbang Commodity Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved By 粤ICP备12031079号 Wanhu